QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM, May 1996. Walnut Creek CDROM. ---------------------------------------------------- RACES information path: \files\races ---------------------------------------------------- 00readme.txt About these files 1985.001 1 9 8 5 STATE RACES BULLETINS 1986.001 1 9 8 6 STATE RACES BULLETINS 1986.002 RUBBER DUCK ANTENNAS 1987.001 EQUIPMENT LIABILITY 1987.002 PACKET RADIO DEMOS - PART 2 OF 4 PARTS 1988.001 1988 Bulletin 1988.002 GROUNDING SYSTEM Date: 06 Jul 88 1989.001 MUTUAL AID COMMUNICATIONS - PART 2 1989.002 WHAT ABOUT FAMILY? - PART 5/5 1990.001 DESIRABLE TRAITS IN A VOLUNTEER 1990.002 RACES I.D. CARDS 1991.001 HIGH FREQUENCY ANTENNA SURVIVAL TIP comorder.asc COMMUNICATIONS RESOURCES AND PERSONNEL ORDER contents.txt RACES BULLETINS-BY-TOPICS CONTENTS coverins.txt State of California crossref.txt WEEKLY BULLETIN LISTING 1985 THROUGH 1991 front.txt RACES RADIO COMMUNICATIONS index.all WEEKLY CALIFORNIA STATE RACES BULLETIN INDEX mgtaovu1.txt RACES MANAGEMENT, AN OVERVIEW , PART 1 Mgt mgtaovu2.txt RACES MANAGEMENT AN OVERVIEW , PART 2 mgtemg.txt EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Category: MGT mgtmuad.txt MUTUAL AID Category:MGT mgtorg1a.txt ORGANIZATION 1A, Category: MGT mgtorg1b.txt ORGANIZATION 1B, Category: MGT mgtorg1c.txt ORGANIZATION 1C. Category: MGT mgtpol.txt POLICY MATTERS Category: MGT mgtro1.txt THE RADIO OFFICER mgtro2.txt THE RADIO OFFICER mismisc1.txt MISCELLANEOUS, Part 1 mismisc2.txt MISCELLANEOUS, Part 1 CATEGORY: MIS) misprps.txt PUBLIC RELATIONS/PRESS Category MIS mispusa.txt PUBLIC SAFETY misrasv.txt RACES 1988 SURVEY, STATE WIDE mistheq.txt THE EARTHQUAKE newapps.asc TO ALL POTENTIAL RACES APPLICANTS: newradof.asc REC. PRIORITIES FOR A NEW OES RADIO OFFICER opsasp.txt OPERATIONS CATEGORY: OPS opsics.txt INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM Category: OPS opsined.txt IN TIME OF NEED opsprep.txt PREP FOR RESPONDERS and FAMILY opsptech.txt OPERATIONS/TECHNIQUES opstrain.txt TRAINING Category: OPS opswhat.txt WHAT TO EXPECT IN EMERGENCIES orgchart.txt RACES = RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE plan1.asc NET CONTROL STATION (NCS) RESPONSIBILITIES polguide.asc Policies and Guidelines policy.asc Policy Files primer.asc Races Primer racesbul.167 Equipment for emergency responders - Part 1 racesbul.168 COMM RESOURCES ORDER FORM racesbul.169 Falling Overboard Part 1/5 racesbul.170 Falling Overboard Part 2/5 racesbul.171 Falling Overboard Part 3/5 racesbul.172 Falling Overboard Part 4/5 racesbul.173 Falling Overboard Part 5/5 racesbul.174 Equipment for emergency responders - Part 2 racesbul.175 Equipment for emergency responders - Part 3 racesbul.176 Equipment for emergency responders - Part 4 racesbul.177 Equipment for emergency responders - Part 5 racesbul.178 Why volunteers may refused racesbul.179 RACESBUL.179 racesbul.180 WHAT IS ASHADOW? - Part 2/2 racesbul.181 A COMMUNICATIONS AUXILIARY racesbul.182 PRESS - PUBLIC RELATIONS - Part 1/5 racesbul.183 PRESS-PUBLIC RELATIONS, Part 2/5 racesbul.184 PRESS-PUBLIC RELATIONS, Part 3/5 racesbul.185 PRESS - PUBLIC RELATIONS, Part 4/5 racesbul.186 PRESS - PUBLIC RELATIONS, Part 5/5 racesbul.187 COPY RIGHT PERMISSION racesbul.188 DRILL OR EXERCISE REALITY, Part 1/3 racesbul.189 DRILL AND EXERCISE REALITY, PART 2/3 racesbul.190 DRILL OR EXERCISE REALITY, PART 3/3 racesbul.191 MACS - Multi-Agency Coordination System racesbul.192 Technical - ALE racesbul.193 Operations - Techniques - Part 1 racesbul.194 Operations - Techniques - Part 2 racesbul.195 Operations: Techniques Part 3 racesbul.196 Operations: Techniques Part 4 racesbul.197 OPERATIONS: TECHNIQUES PART 5 racesbul.198 OPERATIONS: TECHNIQUES PART 6 racesbul.199 OPERATIONS: TECHNIQUES PART 7 racesbul.200 GOVERNMENT-OWNED HAM EQUIPMENT racesbul.201 Management: Mutual Aid racesbul.202 Misc: 1991 in review racesbul.203 MIS: Fire training racesbul.204 MIS Bulletin categories - Part 1/2 racesbul.205 MIS Bulletin categories - Part 2/2 racesbul.206 MGT The use ofoutsiders racesbul.207 MGT Strengthening your emergency svc staff racesbul.208 OPS Demobilization - Part 1/4 racesbul.209 OPS Demobilization - Part 2/2 racesbul.210 OPS Demobilization - Part 3/4 racesbul.211 OPS Demobilization - Part 4/4 racesbul.212 OPS - Traffic vs. Information racesbul.213 MGT - Solution or Problem? racesbul.214 MGT - Teamwork racesbul.215 MGT - What is aresponder? racesbul.216 MGT Keys to successful operations racesbul.217 OPS some of the probs with RACES nets? racesbul.218 The Radio Officer as a Manager racesbul.219 MGT: Management for the Radio Officer racesbul.220 Agency budget planning by the Radio Officer racesbul.221 FEMA fundsshort fuse racesbul.222 So you want to equip an EOC? racesbul.223 Skill for communications volunteers racesbul.224 RACES mission varies with the jurisdiction racesbul.225 MGT: Activation of a RACES unit. Part 1/3 racesbul.226 MGT: Activation of a RACES unit. Part 2/3 racesbul.227 MGT: Activation of a RACES unit. Part 3/3 racesbul.228 OPS:Don't ask me to do that -- I'm a racesbul.229 MGT: Radio Officer Liaison racesbul.230 OPS: So you want to help? racesbul.231 MGT: Too much of a good thing racesbul.232 MGT: Administering the flow of responders racesbul.233 OPS - Must a radio operator & own a station? racesbul.234 MGT - Skills inventory by the Radio Officer racesbul.235 MGT - FCC Rules Part 97 RACES racesbul.236 OPS - Why simplex frequencies? Part 1/2 racesbul.237 OPS - Why simplex frequencies? Part 2/2 racesbul.238 MGT - WILD FIRE VOLUNTEERS - PART 1/2 racesbul.239 MGT - Wild fire volunteers - Part 2/2 racesbul.240 MGT - WORKERS' COMPENSATION - PART 1/3 racesbul.241 MGT - WORKERS' COMPENSATION - PART 2/2 racesbul.242 MGT - WORKERS' COMPENSATION - PART 3/3 racesbul.243 MGT - Bulletins-By-Topic Info - Part 1/2 racesbul.244 Bulletins-by-Topics information - Part 2/2 racesbul.245 MGT - The manager's resource data - Part 1/2 racesbul.246 MGT - The manager's resource data - Part 2/2 racesbul.247 OPS - The Net Control Station - Part 1/2 racesbul.248 OPS - The Net Control Station - Part 2/2 racesbul.249 MGT - Why not multiple RACES membership? racesbul.250 MIS - Archive and addl srcs of Bulletins racesbul.251 MGT - Comfort is a Radio Officer racesbul.252 TEC - Portable radio batteries - Part 1/2 racesbul.253 TEC - Portable radio batteries - Part 2/2 racesbul.254 OPS - How hams didn't use ham radio racesbul.255 MGT - Using volunteers in your comm center racesbul.256 OPS - Responder's checklist racesbul.257 MGT - The importance of planning - part 1/2 racesbul.258 MGT - The importance of planning - part 2/2 racesbul.259 MGT - The FCCone hour rule racesbul.260 OPS - More opportunities to use your RACES racesbul.261 MGT - Volunteers - Part 1/3 racesbul.262 MGT - Volunteers - Part 2/2 racesbul.263 MGT - Volunteers - Part 3/3 racesbul.264 OPS - THE BUDDY SYSTEM racesbul.265 MGT - What officials need to know racesbul.266 MGT - RACES CANNOT BE CONFINED TO ONE DEPT racesbul.267 MGT - The need to inform gov officials racesbul.268 TNG - GLOSSARY FOR COMMUNICATORS - Part 1/2 racesbul.269 TNG - GLOSSARY FOR COMMUNICATORS - Part 2/2 racesbul.270 TNG - Exercise technique racesbul.271 MGT - Tell it like it is! racesbul.272 MGT - The committed volunteer - Part 1/3 racesbul.273 MGT - The committed volunteer - Part 2/3 racesbul.274 MGT - The committed volunteer - Part 3/3 racesbul.275 MGT - Follow the chain of command racesbul.276 MGT - RACES Radio Officer, which? racesbul.277 MGT - Management philosophy - Part 1/2 racesbul.278 MGT - Management philosophy - Part 2/2 racesbul.279 OPS - CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS racesbul.280 OPS- Are YOU trained or untrained? racesbul.281 OPS - Communications Shortfall - Part 1/2 racesbul.282 OPS - Communications Shortfall - Part 2/2 racesbul.283 OPS - Demobilization Critique racesbul.284 OPS - Techniques - Part 2/2 racesbul.285 OPS - Familiarization and the EOC racesbul.286 MGT - Do youHam a Problem? racesbul.287 OPS: Official Relay Stations - Part 1/2 racesbul.288 OPS: Official Relay Stations - Part 2/2 racesbul.289 OPS - No exercise is EVER a failure! racesbul.290 MGT: Whoactivates the RACES? racesbul.291 MGT: Agencies that sayNO! - Part 1/2 racesbul.292 MGT: Agencies that sayNO! - Part 2/2 racesbul.293 MGT: The mission of the RACES racesbul.294 MISC - Responders and vehicles - Part 1/4 racesbul.295 MISC - Responders and vehicles - Part 2/4 racesbul.296 MISC - Responders and vehicles - Part 3/4 racesbul.297 MISC - Responders and vehicles - Part 4/4 racesbul.298 New Amateur Radio Callsign for CA State OES racesbul.299 OPS - STRIKE TEAMS - Part 1/2 racesbul.300 OPS - STRIKE TEAMS - Part 2/2 racesbul.301 MGT - Team building - Part 1/3 racesbul.302 MGT - Team building - Part 2/3 racesbul.303 MGT - Team building - Part 3/3 racesbul.304 OPS - Fire Departments use the RACES racesbul.305 MGT Observations 1/3 racesbul.306 MGT - Observations - Part 2/3 racesbul.307 MGT - Observations - Part 3/3 racesbul.308 TNG - Training for RACES people - Part 1/3 racesbul.309 TNG - Training for RACES people - Part 2/3 racesbul.310 TNG - Training for RACES people - Part 3/3 racesbul.311 MGT - SEMANTICS 1/7 racesbul.312 MGT - SEMANTICS 2/7 FOR FEB 7TH racesbul.313 MGT - Semantics - Coordinator 3/7 racesbul.314 MGT - Semantics 4/7 - Comm. Dir & Officer racesbul.315 MGT - Semantics - Telecomm(5 of 7 parts) racesbul.316 MGT - Semantics, 6 of 7. The ACS. racesbul.317 MGT - Semantics - 7/7 - Words To Avoid racesbul.318 MGT - Participant classification racesbul.319 MGT - Calling in outsiders racesbul.320 OPS - Direction finding in the RACES racesbul.321 OPS - Training - who makes the decision racesbul.322 OPS - RACES in action - non emergency events racesbul.323 OPS - How long and how soon? racesbul.324 OPS - Responding to a Call-Out racesbul.325 OPS - Training - Training Ideas racesbul.326 TEC - Protecting Digital Terminals racesbul.327 MGT - Agency mission statement racesbul.328 OPS - What Leads Them To Serve? racesbul.329 Declared/Undeclared Emergencies! racesbul.330 RACES Activation racesbul.331 Successful Units 1/3 racesbul.332 Successful Units 2/3 racesbul.333 Successful Units 3/3 racesbul.334 FEMA and the RACES racesbul.335 FEMA & the RACES 2/2 racesbul.336 EMA /Volunteer Partnership racesbul.337 Why Packet Radio? racesbul.338 EMA Assistance Available racesbul.339 SOLVING THE IMPOSSIBLE 1/2 racesbul.340 Solve the Impossible 2/2 rbaddres.txt OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSES-PHONES rbintro.txt INTRODUCTION, RACES BULLETINS-BY-TOPIC release.asc Release Authroization standard.asc STANDARDS FOR RACES sysopnot.txt Sysops Notes: tacalls.asc USING TACTICAL CALLSIGNS tecantn.txt TECHNICAL CATEGORY: TEC ANTENNAS tecatv.txt AMATEUR RADIO TELEVISION teceqpt.txt EQUIPMENT tecpket.txt PACKET Category: TEC tectidb.txt TECHNICAL TIDBITS training.asc EXAMPLE OF ONE COUNTY'S TRAINING PLAN